The main objective of the project (Ob1) is tο enhance the experience of wine in Pella and Negotino in order to attract more tourists, support the development of the local economy and create new jobs. This will achieved with actions in two axes:
- by improving the attractiveness of the area and promoting the wine experience and the employment in tourism.
Each axis is supported with the following outputs:
1.1 Redevelopment of an historical public space in Pella (square of the ancient fountain or “archea krini”) as a site for wine festivals and an introduction to the Museum of Pella (Ob2),
1.2 Arrangement of the surrounding of the historical Clock tower in Negotino to be used for wine promotion actions (Ob2),
1.3 Development of a digital application for the “House of Dionysus” including a 3d visualization that will be accessible only in situ the archaeological site in order visitors to be attracted (Ob6).
These outputs make a more attractive environment in Pella & Negotino mobilizing the existing cultural content in a new perspective for the support of wine tourism.
2.1 Two wine festivals in the developed public spaces and a wine testing tour with min. 20 enterprises participating (Ob2+3+5+7),
2.3 Four training tourism related workshops for 40 unemployed (Ob4),
2.3 An online cross border workshop for 15 local wineries by an archaeobotanist for ancient ways of wine making (OB5+7),
2.4 A pottery workshop inspired by ancient pots for wine found in Pella (Ob2+5+7).
This network of actions act in multiple levels and puts the wine tourism in the centre of the tourism development strategy supporting the creation of new jobs by the existing companies or by individuals unemployed persons of the two areas. Plus, the output indicator of 25 enterprises participating in a cross border joint project is safeguarded.